“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain-
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Baby elephant rescues mother
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Apple Destroyed Products | Fubiz™
Une collaboration entre Michael Tompert et le photographe Paul Fairchild avec cet hommage particulier à la marque Apple. Une destruction des produits tels que l’iPad, l’iPhone et le Macbook, présentés détruits ou écrasés sous la forme de 12 photographies en grand format.
Apple Art
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Baby dolphin | Baby dolphin | News.com.au
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Terrifying moment shark took a bite out of sea paparazzi
Camera shy: The tiger shark swims off with the expensive camera euipment. Picture: Karin Brussaard / Caters News Source: Supplied
AN underwater photographer got the fright of his life when a shark snatched the camera from his hands.
The diver was left shaking while the tiger shark swam off with the camera between its teeth.
The 2m creature later dropped the camera several metres away on the sea bed off the Bahamas.
Tiger sharks are considered one of the most dangerous shark species in the world and are responsible for many recorded attacks on humans, second only to the great white shark.
Photographer Karin Brussaard, from the Netherlands, captured all the action on camera.
She said: "There were about six or seven tiger sharks down there and we couldn't believe our luck.
"We were having a great time photographing them all until one diver swam towards one of them trying to get a better shot.
"The shark suddenly seemed to get angry and snatched the camera right out of his hands. I couldn't believe it. It swam away with it and we all just looked on in amazement.
"Luckily it did drop it eventually and remarkably the camera only seemed to have a couple of scratches on it."
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Crocs Comeback: Plastic Shoemaker Back From Dead With 250 Styles
When you think Crocs, you think ugly, comfy plastic clogs. But since its stock (and cool factor) tanked back in 2008, the company has been trying to reinvent itself as a bona fide footwear manufacturer, not just a one-hit-wonder.
Take a look at the company’s just-released third-quarter earnings report, and you’ll see that nearly one-third of Crocs’ revenues come from new products like sneakers, boots, sandals, flip-flops and even high heels. You’ll also notice that the company’s bottom line has improved—net income for the recent quarter was $25 million, up from $22.1 million last year.
But while the expanding lineup has helped slumping sales, the company is still caught between its loyal customers and reaching out to new ones. “In some cases their styles look too much like their predecessor [the original clogs], and in some cases they don’t look enough like their predecessor,” says Marshal Cohen, who tracks the footwear and apparel industries for NPD Group, a New York-based market research firm.
When it went public four years ago, Crocs offered just nine models of shoes. Sure, critics called the shoes “hideous” (Cohen calls them the bulldog of footwear—so ugly they’re cute), but that didn’t stop them from selling like hotcakes. Everyone was wearing Crocs—grandmas, teens, even two-year-olds. In the fall of 2007, Crocs’ stock hit an all-time high of $75.21. But soon after, the novelty wore off. By November 2008, Crocs’ stock price had tanked to just 79 cents a share. By the end of the year, the company had lost a whopping $185.1 million.
That’s why, about a year ago, the company called its top executives in for a strategy meeting. “We went through the different kinds of corporations—sales driven, operations driven, etc.,” says Dale Bathum, Crocs’ VP of product. “We decided that we are a product driven company.”
Bathum’s department was given more resources. Today, Crocs sells over 250 different models of shoes -- such a breathtaking expansion that Steve Jobs' advice to Nike may apply here. It recently came out with a line of toning footwear. Bathum says many more designs are in the pipeline, including a collection of translucent shoes. Crocs is also taking its products abroad—it’s made a big push in countries like China and India (because there’s nothing a growing middle class craves more than comfy shoes).
But can Crocs successfully expand without diluting its iconic brand? “When you first saw them you went, ‘what the heck is that?’” NPD Group’s Cohen says of the original Crocs. “It was one of the few brands that really resonated with consumers for coming out with something that’s really new and innovative—you could liken it to Apple.” Not any more.
Despite its best efforts, Crocs is still known as a one-trick pony. And that reputation is unlikely to change anytime soon, unless Crocs can dig another truly iconic product out of its giant bag of tricks—the kind of head-turning, comfy shoes the company knows how to make.