Angry Birds, the popular puzzle video game created by Finnish developers Rovio Mobile, has spawned a somewhat unexpected (and definitely unofficial) theme park. The physical 'real life' Angry Birds attraction, located at the Window of the World public park in Changsha, Hunan province of China. Rumors have swirled for months that a themed Angry Birds offshoot would be announced by Disney or Six Flags, but this is likely not what the makers, and investors, had envisioned.
The game itself, first released exclusively on the Apple mobile line in 2009, has moved on to platforms like Android, Apple and Microsoft Windows desktop environments, and appeared on consoles such as the Playstation 3, Playstation Portable, and Roku 2. There are currently four different versions of Angry Birds available, with others planned on additional platforms such as the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360.
According to the developer, more than 40 million users play a version of Angry Birds every month. The game has been downloaded millions of times from the Apple and Android marketplaces, making the title a 2010 runaway hit and attracting the attention of such monolith video game institutions like Electronic Arts. Additionally, Rovio has raised $42 million in funding with the help of Nicolas Zenstromm (Skype founder) and Accell Partners, the Facebook investor group.
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